Tips singkat membuat dan optimasi blog di (FOR BEGINNERS ONLY!!)
Seperti yang kita tahu blogger standar setting tidaklah optimal, kita harus ubah beberapa diantaranya.
1. di “Basic” setting tab set blog title untuk keyword yang anda ingin tampil di hasil pencarian search engine Title haruslah 40-65 karakter, (google hanya menampilkan maksimal 65 karakter dalam SERP-nya, dan yahoo sekitar 115 karakter dengan spasi dan tanda baca). usahakan jangan menggunakan kata “and”, “or” dan kata2 lain yang diabaikan search engine. Jangan sekali-kali mengubah title blog anda. Mengubah title akan membuat “robot/spider bingung” dan membuat posisi anda di search engine melorot jauh.
Jawab yes untuk “add your blog to our listing” ini akan meng alert search engines ketika blog anda di update dan juga membuat blog anda tampil diblogger main page ketika anda membuat postingan. Untuk tambahan, bila anda menjawab “no” blogger akan meng shove “nofollow/noindex” meta-tags di header template blog anda yang akan mencegah blog dindex atau di crawl oleh spider.
2. di “Publishing” set “notify Weblogs” to “yes” ini akan send a notification to Weblogs setiap kali anda membuat new post. Weblogs adalah sebuah site yang mengijinkan visitor dan search engine crawler tahu kapan new content di posting di blog. Anda tentu saja ingin visitor dan crawler mengunjungi page anda ketika anda membuat postingan baru.
3.di “Formatting” tab sebenarnya terserah anda, saya personal mengeset number of post di main page antara 5 dan 7.
4.comment tentu saja harus diijinkan dan tidak boleh dibatasi . jangan menampilkan comment di pop up window, karena akan mencegah spider mengcrawl content dari comment tersebut.
5.Site feed. RSS adalah “ rich site summary” atau “ really simple syndication” atau “rdf site summary” terserah anda mengartikannya. RSS pada dasarnya adalah “ a way to stream up the minutes news and updated on your blog”. Alamat RSS feed anda adalah “ (kita bicara cara membuat atom.xml nanti ). dan harus anda ganti nanti ketika anda membakar feed di jadi untuk pertama kali your feed url adalah “’ dan nanti setelah mendaftar di feedburner anda ganti dengan url yang dikasih feedburner.
Jangan set site feed “full description” anda harus mengesetnya “short description” anda pasti bertanya kenapa ? begini, bila anda mengeset full post, visitor yang membaca feed anda tidak punya alasan untuk mengunjungi blog anda karena mereka telah membaca keseluruhan postingan . adsense for feeds baru dalam beta testing, belum open untuk semua publisher setahu saya adsense for feeds baru diperbolehkan untuk premium publisher dengan ratusan ribu (atau jutaan?) adsense impression perbulan.
Jadi setidaknya kita harus “memaksa’ visitor kembali ke blog. Bila mereka membaca feed berarti mereka Cuma membaca sebagian postingan dan bila mereka ingin keseluruhan cerita mereka harus kembali ke blog.
Cara membikin Site Feed
Cara ini adalah cara lama karena saya lihat tampilan “MyYahoo’ telah berubah tapi setidaknya ini akan membantu karena pada dasarnya langkah2nya sama.
Kita asumsikan anda telah mempunyai Yahoo account, sekarang klik “MyYahoo” link di sudut kanan atas lalu untuk register blog klik “add content” lalu cari link “Add RSS by url” klik dan ketikkan RSS url anda yaitu
Bila ada kesalahan akan muncul tulisan “ We couldn’t find the RSS file you asked for”.
Setelah selesai jangan lupa untuk ping yahoo setiap kali anda update blog, alamat pingnya adalah :
lebih lanjut tentang ping, setiap kali update blog jangan lupa untuk melakukan ping. Dulu saya menggunakan sekarang bisa dilakukan otomatis melalui feedburner. Anda bisa mengesetnya di atau kalau tidak ketemu lakukan manual dengan menggunakan jasa atau
jangan mengupdate blog ataupun melakukan ping lebih dari 3x sehari bila tidak ingin blog anda di ban oleh search engine karena dianggap spam.
Beberapa direktori yang bisa buat registrasi RSS Feed :
_ Blog Universe:
_ blogarama:
_ Blogdex:
_ Blogdigger:
_ BlogShares:
_ BlogStreet:
_ Blogwise:
_ Bloogz:
_ DayPop:
_ Feedster:
_ Lockergnome’s RSS Resource Site:
_ NewsIsFree:
_ Syndic8:
_ Waypath:
Google Sitemaps
Jangan lupa untuk submit blog anda di
Sebuah Sitemaps adalah listing setiap halaman blog anda, membuat halaman blog anda lebih Google friendly, dan juga bila blog anda memiliki banyak image anda bisa memperbolehkan spider mengcrawl image tersebut dengan mencentang kotak yang ada disamping tulisan “enhanced image search” sehingga nantinya image dari halaman blog anda akan muncul di hasil pencarian tentu saja hal ini akan menambah visitor yang berarti juga menambah klik adsense. menurut beberapa orang yang lebih pintar dari saya Sitemap membuat halaman blog anda lebih cepat terindex di Google.
Satu lagi tentang lebih cepat terindex di Google, usahakan jangan memakai template beta kalau bisa pakailah template classic atau html. Blog saya yang memakai template beta membutuhkan 1-2 hari untuk halaman baru terindex di Google. Sedangkan yang yang memakai template classic dari Cuma membutuhkan 5-10 menit untuk halaman barunya terindex di Google. Anda bisa mengecek apakah halaman anda sudah terindex di Google dengan mengetikkan “” (tanpa tanda kutip) lalu klik “chace” atau “tembolok” bila anda menggunakan . “chace” adalah rekaman google tentang blog anda kapan terakhir kali dikunjungi spider.
Dan terakhir sudah bukan rahasia kalau template xml beta loadingnya lebih lama dari template classic.
Setiap blogger di planet ini join technorati jadi tidak ada alasan untuk anda tidak mensubmit blog anda ke Technorati adalah Godfathernya blog searching, Tecnorati adalah real-time search engine yang selalu meng-track apa yang terjadi dunia blog. Saat ini Technorati mengindex sekitar 16 juta blog. Technorati otomatis menerima notification dari blog segera setelah blog di update. Ini berarti Technorati meng-track ribuan update yang terjadi tiap jam. Technorati lebih seperti Alexa yang di desain khusus untuk blog. Technorati juga memudahkan anda untuk mencari tahu blog mana saja yang related dengan niche anda. Anda juga bisa melihat blog mana saja yang linking ke blog anda hanya dalam beberapa menit.
Feedburner adalah sebuah situs yang membantu anda memanage RSS feed blog anda. Anda juga bisa meng track berapa banyak orang yang men subscribe RSS feed blog anda dan juga banyak extra tools lain serta statistic dan informasi yang sangat membantu
Feedburner adalah sebuah free service (yang bisa di upgrade ke paid version) didesain untuk mengoptimasi konten feeds. feedburner bisa dipakai untuk semua blog service. Hampir semua blog services meng generate feed untuk blog anda tapi Feedburner selalu memberi feed baru. Feedburner melakukan ping otomatis ke blog direktori dan newsreaders ketika anda membuat postingan baru.
Tapi agar Feedburner bekerja anda harus bersedia merelakan sedikit tempat di template blog anda untuk Feedburner script.
Anda bisa mulai dengan mengunjungi Feedburner homepage ( masukkan alamat blog, lalu Feedburner akan menemukan feed asli blog anda dari url tersebut, setelah itu anda masukkan feed address yang baru dikasih Feedburner ke blog. Setelah membuat username dan password untuk feedburner anda bisa mulai memanage feed tersebut.
Seo dan Cara mendapatkan traffic
1. join swicky di Dulunya sebelum kasus pembantain situs-situs MFA yang menggunakan metode adsense arbitrage oleh Google swicky adalah sebuah ads sharing revenue site. Saya sempat menikmati lebih dari $30 dari swicky. Ada yang bilang swicky memang bukan lagi ads sharing revenue site dan ada juga yang bilang swicky mencuri duit publisher dengan hanya menampilkan pub-id mereka di ads yang tampil. Tapi saya tidak peduli, selama swicky masih mengalirkan visitor masa bodohlah dengan semua itu.
Anda bisa sedikit mengakali swicky dengan memasang tag yang popular.
Cara no 1 tidak relevan lagi karena beberapa bulan terakhir ini swicky tidak lagi mendatangkan visitor.
2. join mybloglog di mybloglog semacam “myspace” untuk bloggers. Anda bisa membuat profil dengan blog yang anda punya. Join bloggers community lain. Dan setelah membuat account anda bisa menambahkan kode yang akan menampilkan most recent mybloglog visitor yang mengunjungi blog anda. Anda juga bisa mencari blog-blog lain yang similar dengan blog anda, menambahkan mereka sebagai contact atau bahkan trade link dengan mereka.
3. create sebuah lense di creating a lense in hanya memakan waktu tidak lebih dari 15 menit tapi hasilnya akan membawa perubahan besar untuk keyword anda di search engine. Fungsi squidoo lebih kurang sama dengan swicky, yaitu sebagai jembatan dari Search Engine ke blog. Misalnya keyword blog anda adalah “abcd abcde”, dengan banyaknya kompetitor yang menggunakan kata “abcd abcde” sebagai keyword maka sangat sulit sekali untuk muncul di halaman pertama Search Engine Results Pages. Bila anda telah membikin sebuah lense di squidoo dengan keyword “abcd abcde” maka bila ada yang mengetikkan kata “abcd abcde” di Search Engine maka mereka akan dibawa dulu ke Squidoo setelah itu baru ke blog.
4. sekali seminggu usahakan untuk ikutkan blog anda dalam carnival di
5.submit ke blog directories. Submit ke blog direktori gratis (lebih disarankan yang one way link). Submit url blog anda ke blog directory sebanyak2nya untuk meningkatkan backlink tapi jangan lebih dari 30x sehari. (ingat jangan pernah submit internal page ke direktori)
Saya punya tips untuk keyword yang akan anda submit ke blog directory agar nantinya blog anda punya kans untuk muncul di search result mereka. Kunjungi download trial versionnya lalu ketikkan tema blog anda disana. Pilih keyword yang memiliki sedikit atau bahkan 0 (zero) competitor. Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa keyword tersebut (yang memiliki sedikit competitor) untuk keyword blog anda.
(tips ini saya temukan di forum tetangga, sudah saya tes dan hasilnya tidak mengecewakan)
6. submit ke social bookmark. Submit hanya internal page ke social bookmark jangan submit home page url anda. Social bookmark tidak disarankan untuk blog dengan konten yang pendek.
7. lihat technorati reactions blog competitor. Technorati reactions adalah rekaman setiap blog yang menyebutkan sesuatu tentang blog lain. Cari tahu blog mana saja yang menyebutkan sesuatu tentang blog competitor anda, kunjungi mereka, tinggalkan comments beserta anchor text di postingan tersebut. Setelah itu mungkin mereka akan tertarik dengan blog anda dan memposting sesuatu tentang blog anda di postingan mereka.
Technorati reactions blog competitor bisa di cek di alamat ini :
8.setiap webmaster tahu bahwa backlink dari .edu dan .gov sites lebih dihargai dan mempunyai nilai lebih oleh search engine. Cobalah search di google .edu dan .gov sites dan tinggalkan backlink disana.
ini list .edu dan .gov sites
9. submit content anda ke dan jangan lupa untuk tagging di
10. update blog minimal 3x seminggu
11. usahakan original content.
Pada tiap orang hasil mungkin akan berbeda, setelah melewati trial dan error anda mungkin akan menemukan mana yang cocok buat anda, buat senior bila ada kesalahan mohon dikoreksi dan bila ada kekurangan mohon ditambahkan.
source adsense-id
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
7 Tips For Starting An Online Business
Starting an online home business is an experience. You'll find yourself experiencing the whole enchilada of challenges and emotions from excitement to disappointment. Here are 7 tips to help you navigate through these emotions so you ultimately achieve success.
1. Treat You Business Like a Business. If you treat you business like a hobby, you will fail. See yourself as the CEO and act according.
2. Take Action. Nothing happens until you take action. Action runs your business.
3. Work Hard. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that starting an online home business is a snap. It requires lots of work, especially when you're starting out.
4. Ask for Help. Many people fail because they don't ask for help. They might be embarrassed or be stubborn enough to have to prove they can do it on their own. Almost every business out there, whether online or offline got help from someone or somewhere. Don't short circuit your business success just because you have too much pride (yes, embarrassment is a type of pride) to ask for help.
5. Stay Focused. It's very easy to get sidetracked on other opportunities, especially if you're struggling. It's natural to want to find an easier way. Be careful about which opportunities you choose to take on. Some will actually help you, but many will just sidetrack you.
6. Give It Time. Building a business takes time. Although we hear lots of stories of people who seemed to achieve success overnight, if you ask them, you'll find out it took time and hard work to achieve their success.
7. Give Each Technique You Try at Least 6 Months. When implementing a new technique, it's very easy to throw it out when you don't immediately see results. Then you try something else, and it doesn't work. Or you try another technique that seems to work right away and then doesn't seem to stop working. Most techniques need time to work. Just like cooking pasta, you have to let it cook until it gets al dente
Bonus Tip. Be a Student. Always be in a learning mode. Your business will be changing and you need to be in sync with those changes. Implement what you learn. A lot of what you do will be trial and error, but you will find the right stuff. If possible, find an expert or community to help you along the way.
1. Treat You Business Like a Business. If you treat you business like a hobby, you will fail. See yourself as the CEO and act according.
2. Take Action. Nothing happens until you take action. Action runs your business.
3. Work Hard. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that starting an online home business is a snap. It requires lots of work, especially when you're starting out.
4. Ask for Help. Many people fail because they don't ask for help. They might be embarrassed or be stubborn enough to have to prove they can do it on their own. Almost every business out there, whether online or offline got help from someone or somewhere. Don't short circuit your business success just because you have too much pride (yes, embarrassment is a type of pride) to ask for help.
5. Stay Focused. It's very easy to get sidetracked on other opportunities, especially if you're struggling. It's natural to want to find an easier way. Be careful about which opportunities you choose to take on. Some will actually help you, but many will just sidetrack you.
6. Give It Time. Building a business takes time. Although we hear lots of stories of people who seemed to achieve success overnight, if you ask them, you'll find out it took time and hard work to achieve their success.
7. Give Each Technique You Try at Least 6 Months. When implementing a new technique, it's very easy to throw it out when you don't immediately see results. Then you try something else, and it doesn't work. Or you try another technique that seems to work right away and then doesn't seem to stop working. Most techniques need time to work. Just like cooking pasta, you have to let it cook until it gets al dente
Bonus Tip. Be a Student. Always be in a learning mode. Your business will be changing and you need to be in sync with those changes. Implement what you learn. A lot of what you do will be trial and error, but you will find the right stuff. If possible, find an expert or community to help you along the way.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Niches Marketing - How Anyone Can Find A Niche
Niches marketing - how anyone can find a niche. Find your niche market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want.
Too many people are looking for a "product" to sell online. This is a huge, fatal mistake that can kill your business before you even get it off the ground. By starting with our proven business formula, you're going to approach the problem from a different angle. You're going to find the market first, then develop the product.
Look for a MARKET that's easy to reach. Find your market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. If you do this, your business is geared for success before you even launch it!
This is the simplest rule of Internet marketing, yet it's the one thing so many people overlook. It is the biggest reason so many startups fail. They make the fatal mistake of looking for the "right product" to sell online, rather than finding the right market.
Think about WHO wants to buy your product -- not necessarily who needs your product, but who wants to buy it, and whether or not it's easy to find online. If you can't identify and easily reach that market online, then your business is in danger of failing.
Suppose you're interested in selling to people who are interested in making seashell jewelry, for example. If that's the case, you have a target market that is easy to find. There are forums, e-zines, and blogs all about making your own seashell jewelry.
Sure, it's a small market, but it's one that's extremely easy to target. Here's why:
'¢ You can easily and precisely define this market
'¢ You can find out exactly which websites seashell jewelry makers visit to find tips, advice, and products
'¢ You can find forums, blogs, and social networks where they meet online to trade information and tips
'¢ You can find out what keywords they are using to describe problems they're having or things they'd like to accomplish
... and that means you can actually make a profit by selling something to them!
Niches marketing - how anyone can find a niche. Find your niche market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. Now, even if you already have a product to sell, niche finding still gives you a HUGE advantage. Niche research helps you figure out how to find your customers by learning about all the different problems your product can solve.
source :
Too many people are looking for a "product" to sell online. This is a huge, fatal mistake that can kill your business before you even get it off the ground. By starting with our proven business formula, you're going to approach the problem from a different angle. You're going to find the market first, then develop the product.
Look for a MARKET that's easy to reach. Find your market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. If you do this, your business is geared for success before you even launch it!
This is the simplest rule of Internet marketing, yet it's the one thing so many people overlook. It is the biggest reason so many startups fail. They make the fatal mistake of looking for the "right product" to sell online, rather than finding the right market.
Think about WHO wants to buy your product -- not necessarily who needs your product, but who wants to buy it, and whether or not it's easy to find online. If you can't identify and easily reach that market online, then your business is in danger of failing.
Suppose you're interested in selling to people who are interested in making seashell jewelry, for example. If that's the case, you have a target market that is easy to find. There are forums, e-zines, and blogs all about making your own seashell jewelry.
Sure, it's a small market, but it's one that's extremely easy to target. Here's why:
'¢ You can easily and precisely define this market
'¢ You can find out exactly which websites seashell jewelry makers visit to find tips, advice, and products
'¢ You can find forums, blogs, and social networks where they meet online to trade information and tips
'¢ You can find out what keywords they are using to describe problems they're having or things they'd like to accomplish
... and that means you can actually make a profit by selling something to them!
Niches marketing - how anyone can find a niche. Find your niche market first and then start thinking about what kind of product or service they might want. Now, even if you already have a product to sell, niche finding still gives you a HUGE advantage. Niche research helps you figure out how to find your customers by learning about all the different problems your product can solve.
source :
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